Post by Cassandra Pheonixfire on Nov 30, 2009 18:25:33 GMT -5
Site Rules
These are the general rules of the site.
1. Please keep content appropriate. Meaning no sex, cussing, or too graphic violence. Yes, there are going to be fights, but please don't get too descriptive. Here's an example just in case:
Bad: Voldemort blasted Harry with a spell. It hit Harry's leg, crushing it. Blood gushed out and bones could be seen. Muscle was shining in the light.
Good: Voldemort blasted Harry with a spell. It hit Harry's leg, breaking it. Harry collapsed under the pain and clutched at it. The area that was hit started to bleed.
Something like that. There are older members, so they may be able to deal with graphic posts, but there are younger members as well.
2. Please no spamming. This could be posting several one word posts in a row, posting random posts that have no relevance to the topic, etc.
3. Please no rude behavior. Whether it be in a general board or a character to another character, no one likes it. You wouldn't want people to disrespect you, please don't be rude to others.
4. If you want to use different fonts or colors in your posts, please make it readable. No one wants to strain their eyes.
5. Please use good grammar. I personally am a grammar freak, and also bad grammar can make it hard to understand you. When people can't understand what you're trying to say, they may just leave and not respond to your post.
6. If you are RPing and you want to add a little note to the person you are RPing with, add OOC:, which means out of character. Please no OOC only posts when RPing. Go back and edit your post to add it or PM the person.
7. Please keep avatars 100x100 and under. anything over that may stretch the page and it can make the picture blurry.
8. Please keep signatures to a size that won't stretch the page. I don't think anyone will want to have to scroll side to side to read your post and it just looks weird having the page stretched. You will be asked to make it smaller. If you don't, a staff member may make it smaller themselves.
9. While talking about that, please don't make posts that stretch the page either. So don't just make a one liner post that goes on and on and stretches the page. This adds on to the spam rule.
10. If a staff member sees someone breaking a rule or gets a report of a rulebreaker, we will warn you. If you do not listen, we will give you another warning. Further rulebreaking can result in a ban. If you continue to break rules after the ban, that may lead to a deletion in your account.
This may seem strict, yes. But we are just trying to keep everyone's time here fun. Thank you.